Monday, December 8, 2014

Another successful fundraiser has concluded!

A very big thank you to our chief fundraiser, Marjorie Morgan. Thank you for setting this up and taking care of everything  as you have so many times.

The T-shirt fundraiser from raised $560 in shirt sales and donations for the memorial Scholarship fund!

Thanks from the bottom of out hearts to everyone that bought a shirt and/or made a straight donation. The funds raised keep the memorial scholarship going and keeps Daniel's memory going in a special way.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Congratulations to the 2014 recipients of the Daniel Morgan Memorial Scholarship - Aura Ceballos and Kaitlyn Wendel.
Aura and Kaitlyn will each receive $750.00 payable to the schools they will be attending. Both are excellent students and wrote very nice essays about how JROTC has helped prepare them for their futures.

Thanks again to family and friends who's fundraising efforts make this possible!

Donations Always Welcome

About The Scholarship

Scholarships are awarded to a graduating senior in the Washingtonville High School JROTC program. Recipients are selected based on recommendation and a written essay about how the JROTC program has prepared them for the future.
Thank you to all of the family and friends whose fundraising efforts make this scholarship possible.